Monday, 10 September 2012

Steam Milo Pudding

Steam Milo Pudding

Yes! Milo Pudding! How do you like the idea? I simply love it..

Make 6 small pudding cup ( I got my cup from Daiso @S$2 each)

Milo powder 100g *
Sugar 1 table spoon
2 large egg
Milk 400 ml
Vanilla essence 1 teaspoon or Rum 1/2 teaspoon (this will take away the smell of the egg)

1          2 egg + sugar into a large bowl, mix it well with a hand whisk and set aside
2.         Pour 400ml milk + vanilla essence + Milo powder in a small pot, put on stove over low heat for about 3-4 mins .(Can feel it by putting your finger in the milk.) Milk should feel like shower water temperature.
3.         Pour warm milk into egg mixture. Pour slowly and stir the mixture at the same time until both egg & milk are well incorporated . (this is why you need to place egg mixture in a large bowl).  
4.         sieve the egg & milk mixture (this step will sieve out the transparent egg white)
5.         Pour egg mixture into the 6 pudding cup and cover with either aluminum foil or cling foil.
6.         Prepare your steamer and bring the water to boil.  Place the 6 cup into the steamer and steam over medium fire for 10mins.  
7.         Off the fire but keep the 6 cup in the steamer for another 10mins, then you bring it out to cool.
8.         Refrigerate the pudding when it’ s cool.
9.         Serve with chocolate syrup or dust some Milo powder on top. Yum!

  • If you omit the Milo powder, this will just be a regular egg pudding. But I would suggest the you add 2 more egg yolk for a nicer yellow colour and more egg flavor. Serve with mapel syrup!

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